
J&N Firma Legal advises companies with legal strategies for their incorporation, negotiations and the compiling of corporate documents. Likewise, we offer advice on the acquisition, sale, consolidation, merger or division of all types of companies and Due Diligence.


J&N Firma Legal provides legal advice on patents, trademarks, notices and trade names, copyrights, industrial secrets and other Intellectual and Industrial Property rights, which includes, among other services, its registration, the elaboration and registry agreements such as license of use, franchises, and assignments of rights.


The incorporation of companies, investment schemes, the purchase of real estate for its establishment in Mexico, requires compliance with procedures before the authorities. J&N Firma Legal provides legal advice on foreign investment, trusts, companies and authorizations to operate in Mexico, thus ensuring the legal security of your investment in the country.


J&N Firma Legal formulates estate planning considering its patrimonial and family situation, with legal instruments that guarantee that its patrimony reaches the permanence and continuity in favor of the successors. To do this, we elaborate an inventory of the assets, liability and stockholders’ equity, identifying weakness, evaluating alternatives considering legal, tax and operative implications, thus creating the work program to achieve the planned.


The conditions of an agreement are the result of a successful negotiation. Accuracy, simplicity and clarity are the keys in the elaboration of an agreement; the ambiguity or imprecision in an agreement create controversies. J&N Firma Legal offers legal advice for the agreements in its negotiation and elaboration stages in order to achieve the business objective. Some agreements in which we provide legal advice are

  • Leasing
  • Purchase and Sale
  • Marketing
  • Manufacturing
  • Confidentiality
  • Consignment
  • Services
  • Construction
  • Distribution
  • Debt Recognition.

Urban law / real estate


Urban planning today is a complex task, which requires knowledge of the legal norms that regulate the construction, development and conservation of socio-economic-environmental relationships. J&N Firma Legal offers legal advice on the audit, environmental and urban design and management, for the realization of real estate developments, urban developments and subdivisions.


J&N Firma Legal provides legal advice on real estate with knowledge of the norms regarding development and construction of buildings, shopping centers, industrial buildings and subdivisions, among others. Including the creations of business schemes of real estate operations, trusts, agreements, strategic, condominium regime and the preparation of documents for the operation of these.

Tax / Financial


J&N Firma Legal provides legal advice and consultancy specialized in imports and exports operations, foreign trade procedures, obtaining development programs and advice for the fulfillment of the obligations derived from them, as well as in obtaining registration in the business scheme certified.


J&N Firma Legal offers specialized defense in administrative matters against acts of annoyance issued by authorities such as the SAT, IMSS, INFONAVIT, CNBV, CONDUSEF, PROFECTO, among others or against the unconstitutionality of general administrative norms through the interposition of resources administrative, action for annulments and / or amparo suits, as appropriate.


J&N Firma Legal advises you in complying with the legal regulations that control financial and banking matters, as well as in the elaboration, regulation and corporate activity of financial entities.


J&N Firma Legal provides specialized advice and consultancy to supervised financial institutions in Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing. Similarly, it offers advice to people who carry out vulnerable activities in terms of the Mexican Federal Law on the Prevention and Identification of Operation from Illicit Sources.


Annual audit and issuance of report

We observe the specific aspects of the systems and procedures established by the client, and verify the existence and effectiveness of the controls required by the Laws and General Provisions applicable to Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing matters.

Legal advice and implementation of procedures for the creation of the Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing area

We assist and advise our clients in the creation of their internal structures, as well as in the development and implementation of the required procedures, policies and guidelines, ensuring compliance with the Laws and General Provisions applicable to Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing matters.

Consultancy for the correct interpretation and application of the provisions on the subject

We attend any client’s consultation related to the interpretation and application of the Laws and General Provisions applicable to Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing matters.

Consultancy for the development of the “Risk Based Approach” methodology

We provide the necessary support for the design and implementation of the Risk Based Approach methodology, which will allow the client to know its degree of exposure to risk to be used in money laundering and/or terrorist financing operations according to the type of operation it handles and, consequently, efficiently assign its resources and apply management processes for such risks.

Support in the elaboration of the “Technical Report”

We assist the client in the preparation of the technical report before the National Banking and Securities Commission. The current technical report is one of the requirements to renew the registration to operate before the National Banking and Securities Commission, in the case of Money Exchange Centers and Money Transmitters, or before the National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Financial Users, in the case of Multiple Purpose Financial Companies, Unregulated Entities.

Support in the elaboration of the “Compliance Manual”

We support the client in the development and implementation of its compliance manual, which will have the purpose of establishing the policies, measures, criteria and procedures, in accordance with its operational processes, to carry out the correct identification and knowledge of its clients and/or users.

Training through the implementation of courses

We provide training courses to the client’s personnel, which include, among other aspects, those related to its compliance manual, as well as its activities, services and/or products, being consistent with its risk based approach methodology.

Support in the functions of the Compliance Officer

We assist the client’s compliance officer in the determination and exercise of his functions.

Consultancy for the choice and management of the automated system

We analyze the operation and regulatory compliance of the client’s automated system and, if necessary, recommend to the client different suppliers of the automated system according to its capacity and needs.

Administrative legal defense against injurious acts issued by the National Banking and Securities Commission

We provide litigation services against acts of nuisance by the National Banking and Securities Commission, through the filing of administrative appeals, administrative litigation and/or amparo proceedings, as appropriate.